This gift voucher can be used for 1 hours appointment, a therapeutic, deep tissue, remedial, lymphatic massage (full body massage or areas required, neurokinetic therapy and other bodywork as appropirate and discussed during the consultation). Each treatment is tailered to the client. Initial consulation is included in the treatment. Expiry date is 12 months from the date of purchase.
Appointments can be booked online on the website or I can be contacted directly.
Please leave a message with your purchase (or on one of the forms on the website) stating your full name and your address, full name of the recipient.
If you have any questions contact me directly or fill in the form on the home page.
Thank you.
Gift voucher, paper copy
No refunds accepted. All gift vouchers must be used within 12 months from the date of purchase. The name on the gift voucher can be changed on the request (new voucher will be sent out) in case it cannot be used.
Shipping is on the same or next day of purchase, second day delivery. If you need to guarantee your delivery for next day please get in touch prior to your purchase.
Thank you.